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Posted By Karlie on 04/25/22 - Bookmark Panty Pounders

I’ve always had a thing for ladies in lingerie. There’s just something about satin and lace on a woman’s flesh that gets my juices flowing. When I found out I could use this Only Opagues discount for 51% off, I knew it was perfect for me. 

This is where you’ll find gorgeous girls with privileged bodies that know how to move in front of the camera in ways that are sure to drain your balls. Scarlett T, Porchia W, and Nicole Vice are just a few of the sexy starlets you’ll get to see in action. Their bodies are incredible and they aren’t shy at all about showing them off. Some have small, perky breasts while others have massive melons. This site is part of the Only All Sites network and it’s all unlocked with your membership. That means Only Carla, Only Silk and Satin, and Only Tease are all at your fingertips. The action you’ll find throughout this network is softcore, but it’s completely satisfying. This is the perfect deal for viewers with refined tastes.


Blogged Under: Pantyhose
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Posted By admin on 06/04/13 - Bookmark Panty Pounders


There are two things I love to do to a woman when it is time to have sex before nighty-night. One is to eat her pussy with her panties on. The other is to eat her pussy while she is wearing a pare of pantyhose. There is something about having that material between you and your prize that is a real turn on for me. For her she gets to feel something different and then go over the top when my tongue pierced the pantyhose, or pushes the panties to the side, and there is tongue to clit contact.

It is like: steady… Steady… STEADY… BOOM!!!

After that I like to fuck her through the hole in the pantyhose or while she still has her panties on. Once I cum inside her I often go back down on her and clean it up with my mouth. What can I say? I am a sicko!

One of the sites I have been finding myself going to more and more lately is called Porn Tips. They help you find the sites that will match your porn interests by offering up comprehensive porn site reviews.

From time to time they put up sites they plan to review next and that is how I found the little gem above. I call it a little gem because it costs less than $15 a month. The guy really knows the pantyhose niche and goes above and beyond the call of duty. The site has been open for six years so there is a very solid archive of porn you can have instant access to.

If pantyhose are just shy of center when it comes to hitting the bulls eye on your favorite fetish you can check out their other panty fetish reviews for some hot porn!

Blogged Under: Pantyhose
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